1 min read

Does Facebook Wreck Marriages?

Does social media create serious relationship problems? A new survey out of the U.K. found that more than a third of divorce filings last year contained the word Facebook, according to Divorce Online, a legal services firm. Affairs happen with a lightning speed on Facebook, K. Jason Krafsky, who co-authored Facebook and Your Marriage with wife Kelli, told SmartMoney.

3 mins read

Finding the Right Marriage Counselor…

When both members of a couple recognize that there are problems in the relationship and they are willing to examine the issues and work together towards building a stronger bond, a marriage counselor is the person best suited to assist them. And we stress, BOTH members recognize that there’s a problem. Not just one…Here’s how to go about finding the right counselor for you:

4 mins read

How to Find Out If My Husband Is Doing Online Dating

In today’s technological world many marriages suffer from a new form of unfaithfulness, online dating. Your husband could be glued to his computer for hours under the pretense of working while unbeknownst to you he’s actually meeting and dating other women. Some men cheat virtually, while others meet women online and follow through with actual relationships. So, how do you find out if your husband is doing online dating? Using a little cleverness and the following steps should reveal the truth.

3 mins read

How to Find Ancestors’ Marriage Records in the US

You’ve started your family tree, only now you’ve been bitten by the genealogy bug, which is seldom curable and almost always contagious. Genealogy can seem like a time tunnel into the past. Sooner or later, you’re going to want to document the information you’ve gathered, such as birth, death and marriage records. Birth and death records are usually found in each state’s archives, but finding marriage records for your ancestors in the U.S. is a whole different game.