2 mins read

About Washing Hands

Regular hand washing is part of a healthy lifestyle for people of all ages. Following the proper hand-washing technique is key to staying healthy, particularly during the cold and flu season. Children also need to learn and practice washing their hands on a regular basis so the whole family is on board with healthy hygiene.

3 mins read

Whole Barbecue Chicken Recipe

The sweet and smokey flavor of BBQ sauce delights many taste buds. Make getting your kids to eat their protein a bit easier by preparing a whole BBQ chicken as your main meal component. Preparation of a barbecued chicken takes little time and even less skill. Even the most inexperienced chef should be able to prepare it.

3 mins read

Hand Washing to Prevent Disease

It’s easy to remember to wash your hands when your hands are full of sticky molasses or dirt. It’s a lot harder to remember when the filth is invisible. It’s easy to wipe down your hands and move on. Meanwhile, germs can settle in and make themselves at home in your mouth, eyes and eventually your body. IF you can remember how critical hand washing is to your immune system, you will get to it a lot more often–whether you can see the grime or not.