5 mins read

Bladder Infection? You Don’t Need Antibiotics!

All right ladies, we all know the feeling that sense of urgency, the painful urination, sometimes worse. Bladder infections are more than just a pain in the you know what. They can be a constant source of irritation and inconvenience. They also force us take medications and supplements that are just plain bad for you. Just thinking about it makes me want to cross my legs and squint my eyes! Throw in the subsequent yeast infection that trails the bladder infection (caused by antibiotics) and youre left with a woman on the brink!

2 mins read

Bladder Pressure During Pregnancy

While pregnancy is a time of excitement and anticipation, it is also a time of various physical discomforts. Along with morning sickness, backaches and heartburn, you may experience pressure on your bladder. Although bladder pressure is a common occurrence during pregnancy, certain symptoms may signal the presence of a urinary tract infection.

3 mins read

Bladder Leakage in Women

Twice as many women than men suffer from bladder leakage, otherwise known as urinary incontinence. Whether they lose a small amount whenever they laugh, cough or sneeze, or the urge strikes so quickly that their bladder empties completely with a few seconds’ notice, it can become embarrassing. Many women with UI avoid social situations out of fear they will not be able to get to a restroom soon enough. Understanding the causes and treatment of urinary incontinence can give you control of your daily activities again.