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When Your Kids Ask If You Ever Tried Drugs…

Now that I have three teenagers, illegal drugs seem everywhere. Philip Seymour Hoffmans fatal heroin overdose. Meth production glamorized on television. The heroin epidemic in New England where the kids favorite aunt lives.Its not my imagination: Oprah even chose the subject for the premiere of OprahPrime last Sunday night.It doesn’t help that marijuana is becoming less and less illegal every day. And closer to home, literally. A few days ago …

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About Women’s Drug Treatment Programs

More than 9 million American women, including upper-middle class moms, illegally use drugs each year, according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse. Women who have become dependent on prescription drugs, alcohol or illegal substances, like marijuana or cocaine, often need to enter a drug treatment program. While the financial costs of private programs can be staggering, some moms grappling with substance abuse may be able to gain life-saving help through government funding.

3 mins read

Teenage Drug & Alcohol Abuse

Though government statistics show that drug and alcohol use among teenagers has been declining since the 1990s, it is still a problem that needs to be addressed, particularly if it’s your child abusing these drugs. Teenagers may drink alcohol, smoke cigarettes or marijuana and use other illegal drugs. It’s also possible to abuse legal drugs, such as Ritalin or over-the-counter medication. Spot the warning signs in your teen and address the situation quickly.