3 mins read

Anxiety Attacks During Pregnancy

Pregnancy can be a wonderful time in your life, but it can be a frightening and nerve-wracking experience for some women. For some women, it can even cause anxiety attacks. If you’re one of them, don’t worry — pregnancy anxiety is totally normal, and doesn’t mean you’re going to be a terrible mother or that you don’t want your baby. It does mean that you need to discover what’s causing your anxiety and learn how to deal with it.

3 mins read

Toddlers With Stranger Anxiety

While some toddlers are willing to greet anyone with open arms, others shy away from anyone other than mom and dad. It can be challenging to deal with a tyke who seems fearful of everyone, because relatives and friends may feel slighted by this hesitancy, and the toddler herself may appear to suffer extreme emotional distress. Although it may seem a serious problem, however, stranger anxiety is often nothing to worry about and is, instead, simply a part of normal child development.

3 mins read

Anxiety During Pregnancy

Excitement and anticipation are normal feelings during pregnancy. So are feelings of stress, fear and anxiety. At times, all the physical ups and downs and the lifestyle changes to come can simply be overwhelming. There’s nothing abnormal about feeling anxious during pregnancy. The more you understand why you feel that anxiety, the better you can handle it.