4 mins read

4 Steps to Raising a Future Writer

Lots of parents read aloud to their baby and toddler, but few take the next step: encouraging early writing. Did you know that babies can draw pictures (prewriting) and create narratives at between 2 and 3 years of age? A young child who is stimulated with targeted activities early and often can be writing and illustrating complex stories by age 4 or 5.

4 mins read

Kick Negativity to the Curb — Choose the Positive!

It can be easy to see everything that is stacked up against you. Money is tight, you work too much, the housework is never ending. You have two choices – you can see it as a challenge to overcome, or you can feel sorry for yourself. If you consciously choose the positive mindset, it will start to come naturally. Before you let something weigh you down, take a moment and think of your options. Do you want to be angry and sad or do you want to take action and be happy? Being a single parent has unique challenges. Instead of dwelling on them, come up with unique solutions, and the world will start to look brighter!

5 mins read

How I Accepted the Step-Mom…

Single parenthood can be a confusing world to navigate. Just when I thought I was starting to figure my world out, my 5 year old son dropped the bomb that he was going to have two moms! You can imagine my surprise upon hearing this, as his dad and his now step-mom had only been dating for a few months. When your child has a new parent a step-parent a whole new playing field is created. There is a new player in the game, and trying to figure out this persons role can be incredibly difficult. The following advice has helped me along the road to creating a working relationship with my sons step-mother.

4 mins read

Give Up Some Control!

It is easy to think that as a single mom you need to do everything. It is easy to think that, because most of the time you DO do everything. As time goes by, doing everything doesn’t seem as overwhelming as it first did. Daunting, yes, but not nearly so all-consuming.