4 mins read

Natural Remedies to Increase Sperm Count

When you have decided to get pregnant, the last thing you want to hear is that your man is having problems with his low sperm count. It will now take months longer than typical to get pregnant and the tensions in your relationship may begin to rise as the result of extra tensions. Fortunately, there are several natural remedies available to increase sperm count, thus limiting your wait to get pregnant.

3 mins read

Natural Remedies for Increasing Sperm Count

When struggling with infertility, some couples discover that their problems, in part, are due to decreased sperm motility (the ability to move) or a low sperm count. Since many couples prefer to seek natural remedies before turning to more invasive medical procedures, it can be a relief to learn that sometimes the key to increasing sperm count can be as simple as making a few lifestyle changes.

2 mins read

How Are Sperm Stored in Sperm Banks?

A sperm bank will freeze and store a man’s sperm until he–or someone else–is ready to use it. This is an ideal solution for anyone who must go through a treatment that can harm sperm production or ejaculation. Some sperm banks will even pay you for your specimen if you allow single women or infertile couples to use your sperm to conceive.

2 mins read

How to Increase Sperm Count & Mobility

Having a low sperm count or substandard sperm motility can reduce your chances of getting your partner pregnant. The Mayo Clinic reports that a low sperm count reduces your chance of successful conception. In addition, if fewer than half your sperm are moving, conception becomes even more difficult. If you are faced with either low sperm count, low motility or both, it is important to know how to increase them when the time comes to start your family.