4 mins read

Herbal Remedies to Reduce Stress & Anxiety

Pressure. Anxiety. Tension. Worry. Stress. Whatever you call it, you know when it’s heavy on your shoulders. You might get tension headaches, feel nauseous or have anxiety attacks. Or your symptoms may be less physical and more behavioral: a constant feeling of irritation, a sense of being overwhelmed, an inability to relax, a constant need to defend yourself (which often comes out as a version of attacking others). The symptoms of stress tend to create even more stress. You may not be able to take a week-long beach vacation to get away from the sources of the stress, but you can incorporate some herbal remedies into your daily routine. Stress always exists somewhere, but learning to cope with it calmly and naturally puts you back in charge.

3 mins read

Bladder Leakage in Women

Twice as many women than men suffer from bladder leakage, otherwise known as urinary incontinence. Whether they lose a small amount whenever they laugh, cough or sneeze, or the urge strikes so quickly that their bladder empties completely with a few seconds’ notice, it can become embarrassing. Many women with UI avoid social situations out of fear they will not be able to get to a restroom soon enough. Understanding the causes and treatment of urinary incontinence can give you control of your daily activities again.