1 min read

Cuteness Overwhelming

This is the first of a new blog series called Cuteness Overwhelming. In it, I scour the internet for things so cute that they would implode were it not for the daily sacrifices of cheeseburgers that people make to Ceiling Cat, Basement Cat and Long Cat. I think the pictures speak for themselves. Puppy Patrol (problematic b/c it excludes kittens) Puppy Picks Pet Picks OMG Adorable! CuteNews Ridiculous Cuteness

3 mins read

Last Minute Holiday Gifts

It's mid December honestly there's never enough time it seems to find gifts for everyone on your list. Here's a little round-up of some gifts that just might work for the trickier people on your list! For your bestie who deserves the best - she will absolutely adore the Hazo Minimalist black leather bag from…