2 mins read

Cures for Teen Boredom

Very few moms are lucky enough to make it through the years of rearing a teen without hearing him utter the classic teen phrase, “I’m bored.” If your teen seems bored more often than he is entertained, there are a number of things that your teen can do to prevent himself from suffering boredom. Along with filling his time, many of these things are beneficial in other ways.

3 mins read

What Questions Do Marriage Counselors Ask?

Going to a marriage counselor can be intimidating, even frightening, if you don’t know what to expect. From fear of exposing your deepest secrets to uncertainty about how to speak freely in front of your spouse, anxiety can build simply because the process is new and unfamiliar. Getting an idea of what kind of questions might come up during a counseling session can help you relax and be ready to share.