3 mins read

Methods of Relieving Stress

Stress accompanies the busy lifestyles of many families today. Stress is often accepted as a way of life. While some stress is normal, constant and significant stress may cause or perpetuate physical symptoms or health problems. Increased blood pressure, risk of heart problems, suppression of the immune system, and faster aging may be exacerbated by extreme stress. Methods of relieving stress come in many forms and are adaptable to fit your lifestyle.

3 mins read

Relieving Stress With a Foot Massage

It is easy to get stressed these days, especially when the kids are running around in different directions, the economy is shaky and you have to work overtime just to pay the bills. Take some time to relax. You may not be able to completely banish stress from your life, but you can find temporary relief. One of the best ways to relieve stress is through massage. A simple foot massage can do wonders for you and is an inexpensive (or free if you do it yourself) and quick remedy.

2 mins read

Stress Relieving Neck Stretches

Stress is the body’s response to increased physical and mental demands. The neck, which is comprised of cervical vertebrae, shock-absorbing disks, muscles and vertebral ligaments, is particularly vulnerable since physical stress brought on by poor habits, such as bad posture, teeth grinding and sleeping position, can cause muscles to tighten or tense. Even activities like reading in bed can throw the neck out of alignment, causing pain, headaches (when muscles in the neck begin to affect nerves) and possibly more serious problems. Try the following stress-relieving neck stretches to ease tension. Be sure to breathe while stretching, and stop if you feel pain, tingling, numbness or dizzy.

2 mins read

5 Ways to Stop Stress Eating

While we all know what were SUPPOSED to be eating, other factors play a role in what we CHOOSE to eat. One of these factors is stress. Stress eating can keep you from reaching your diet and fitness goals. Do you find yourself reaching for a powdered doughnut when youre feeling overwhelmed? Then here are some ways to reduce your stress eating habits: 1) Tame Your Stress

3 mins read

How to Relieve Stress With Exercise

There are many benefits of a good exercise routine beyond burning calories. The fact is, exercise is one of the best ways to relieve stress and anxiety. There is no single exercise that is the best for relieving stress because it depends on the individual. Some people decompress by doing cardiovascular workouts, like kickboxing or hot yoga, that get their heart rate going. Others do better with meditative exercise, such as hatha yoga or qigong, that lets them escape their worries. Some people prefer cross-training or other types of combination workouts because the diversity of activities keeps them from getting bored. Follow these guidelines to get on the path to a less stressful life.