4 mins read

Myths about Autism – Part Four

Myths about Autism - Part Four In this blog, I'll wrap up how I would debunk myths relating to autism. Myth #16: Children with autism don't feel emotions As I discussed previously about empathy, children with autism definitely feel emotions. They get frustrated, angry, sad, happy, and feel love. They simply struggle with expressing these…

2 mins read

African American Woman Hairstyles

The thicker, curvier nature of African American hair follicles produces tighter, kinky coils. African American women can opt for treatments to straighten their hair, or may prefer more natural styles that highlight the curly texture — which can vary from person to person. There are some classic styles that are always in fashion, but you’ll want to find a hairstyle that fits your overall personal style.

3 mins read

Why Are So Many Teenage Girls Anorexic?

When you combine a perfectionist personality type with an adolescent girl, the risk of her becoming anorexic is higher, a 2002 University of Florida study found. Anorexia is a serious problem, because people with this disease can develop heart problems, deteriorated muscles and osteoporosis. Anorexia is also subject to relapse and can even lead to death. You may have heard the old saying, “you can never be too thin.” In the case of anorexics, you certainly can.

3 mins read

Gluten-Free Mac & Cheese Recipes

Your child doesn’t have to miss out on classic childhood recipes, such as macaroni and cheese, simply because she cannot tolerate gluten, the protein found in wheat and some other cereal grains. Several manufacturers produce a gluten-free pasta, typically made from quinoa, corn or rice flours or a combination of several gluten-free grains. You can find the pasta in the traditional elbow macaroni shape or in more interesting shapes such as spirals and letters. Check the ingredient lists of any condiments to make sure they do not have hidden gluten.