2 mins read

Infant Stimulation Activities

For babies, stimulation activities arouse their senses. Activities that promote seeing, touching, smelling, tasting and hearing will be stimulating for your baby. Engaging in activities that stimulate your baby can foster your baby’s curiosity, help develop his attention span and foster his nervous system development, according to Health First.org. While engaging your infant in stimulating activities is important, over stimulating your baby may cause him to become overwhelmed and irritable. If you notice signs of irritability during play, take a break, and allow your baby time to rest in a quiet and calm environment.

2 mins read

Baby Stimulation Games

Games and activities that encourage infants to use several senses at once can develop fundamental listening, communication, social and creative skills. Infant stimulation activities such as playing music, introducing new colors and shapes and playing with toys that make different sounds and noises can pique an infants interest and encourage him to interact with his environment. Stimulating games encourage healthy learning and development. Here are some activities and games that introduce learning and education in the early stages of life.

3 mins read

About Early Infant Stimulation

Early infant stimulation can help newborns differentiate between different smells, develop their vision and become comfortable with touch, motion and sounds. Parents who want to reduce the risk of developmental difficulties in their child can engage their newborn in a variety of stimulating activities, thereby encouraging their baby to become comfortable with a wide range of sensory experiences.

3 mins read

The Risk Factors in Infant Stimulation and Development

Infants thrive on and need stimulation to ensure proper development. By stimulating your infant’s senses, you’re encouraging communication, interaction and learning. You’re also giving him a sense of importance. However, there can be too much of a good thing—an excess of new sights and sounds can overstimulate a baby. Also, not all methods of infant stimulation are beneficial. Walk through any major baby department and you’ll see numerous gadgets and videos claiming to make your baby smart. Are these really necessary?