2 mins read

Strengthening Exercises for Pregnancy

A strength component to your prenatal workout rounds out your overall fitness and prepares the body for labor. Your increasing weight and growing abdomen increase the need for overall muscle strength and endurance. Pregnancy places restrictions on the type of strength training you can safely perform. Avoid exercises with heavy weights or those that require a back-lying position due to the risk of decreased blood flow.

2 mins read

Pregnancy Strengthening Exercises

A well-rounded exercise program during pregnancy improves your overall fitness level and prepare the body for childbirth. Strengthening exercises complement cardiovascular and flexibility exercises for pregnant women. Strenuous exercise can be dangerous during pregnancy, especially to women with high-risk pregnancies. Check with your physician before starting a new strength-training routine.

3 mins read

Eye-Strengthening Exercises for Children

The ability to see and the ability to understand what you see is an important skill, particularly for school-aged children who need to focus to learn effectively and do well in school. Even if your child excels in reading and other academics, it may be worth your while to spend a few minutes daily doing exercises to improve his eye skills.