2 mins read

Healthy Eating for Overweight Kids

Being overweight puts your child at greater risk for diabetes, heart disease and asthma, along with the teasing that comes from his peers. If you make unhealthy choices for you and your family, your child is only naturally going to emulate what he sees and hears from you. It’s up to you to set the stage for a lifetime of healthy behavior.

4 mins read

Studies on HCG & Weight Loss

HCG is an obesity treatment dating back to the 1950s that has made a resurgence in popularity in recent years. The use of HCG — which stands for human chorionic gonadotropin, also known as the human pregnancy hormone — was revealed as fad as early as the mid-1970s. Studies on HCG and weight loss indicate that the reason you lose weight on this diet is not from the use of HCG itself but because of the drastically reduced calorie count.

3 mins read

How to Lose Baby Weight While Breastfeeding

Upon the arrival of your new bundle of joy, you will likely be eager to shed the pounds that you added to your frame while pregnant. Along with working to lose weight, many moms also want to breastfeed. Completing these two tasks simultaneously can present a challenge. While breastfeeding can be a weight loss tool, as milk production naturally leads to calorie burning, the increased appetite that commonly accompanies that baby-feeding process can also lead some to retaining their baby weight or even packing on a few extra pounds. Avoid this unwanted impact by considering the steps you must take to breastfeed and lose baby weight simultaneously.