3 mins read

Hair Growth Treatments for Women

Women make up 40 percent of hair loss sufferers, according to the American Hair Loss Association. Androgenetic alopecia, or pattern baldness, doesn’t affect only men — it can affect women as well, resulting in a diffuse pattern of hair loss. Women have far fewer options than men when it comes to hair growth treatments that are proven to work. Because hair loss can be triggered by other causes, such as stress, an underlying medical condition, or use of certain medications, the hair growth treatments on the consumer market may not work for you.

2 mins read

Faster Hair Growth for Women

Many women enjoy changing hairstyles to keep up with the latest trends. Although short styles take little time to achieve, longer hairstyles require patience and time. While genetics plays an important role in determining the rate of hair growth, certain practices can help prevent breakage and encourage long, healthy strands of hair.

2 mins read

Excessive Hair Growth for Women

While many women wish for thick hair on their head, few appreciate excessive body or facial hair. Normal hair growth for women varies, depending on cultural factors and race. Hirsutism is the term that refers to excessive hair growth in women. Although a common condition, hirsutism may signal an underlying disorder that requires medical attention.

2 mins read

Hair Growth Products for Women

It can be disturbing and frightening if you start losing your hair. Before you run to the drugstore to buy a product that guarantees hair growth, you should see a dermatologist who can literally get to the root of the problem. Many conditions can be causing your hair to fall out. Being under stress, inheriting the problem, a medical condition or having simply damaged your hair from over-treating it can all cause you to lose your hair. Each condition requires a different approach for hair growth, according to the AgingSkinNet website.