2 mins read

Night Sweats During Pregnancy

Most new mothers know that they will not get much sleep due to the needs of a newborn, but sleep problems can start even before the baby is born. Pregnant woman may have a hard time getting comfortable at night, or may need to get up to use the bathroom several times in one evening. Many expectant mothers also suffer from night sweats during the duration of their pregnancies.

6 mins read

Too Much TV?

Under a crushing book deadline, Ive noticed Ive gotten a wee bit lax about a few things. Along with the multiplying dust bunnies in every corner, too many take-out dinners, and the piling up of unpaid bills and unread magazines, theres been a slight relaxation of our family screen time rules. I cant entirely blame this on my book deadline.

3 mins read

Herpes Virus in Children

When you think of herpes, your first thought may be the dreaded, incurable sexually transmitted disease. There are actually eight types of herpes viruses that typically cause infection in humans, from the virus that causes cold sores to the viruses that cause common childhood rashes. The various viruses cause a range of ailments, from the mild cold sore to the rather unpleasant chickenpox.

3 mins read

Parent’s Choice vs. Good Start Infant Formula

In the United States, baby formula is highly regulated. Strict standards must be upheld by formula manufacturers that touches on everything from where the formula is made to what it contains. That means that Gerber Good Start and Wal-Mart’s Parent’s Choice baby formulas are both measured by the same yard stick. The big difference is in price–Parent’s Choice runs about $10 less per can than Good Start. Both brands have a multitude of formulations.