3 mins read

Child Behavior Problems With an Absent Mother

Ideally, children are raised with two loving parents to care for and support them. In some instances, however, this is not the case. When a child is left motherless as a result of divorce, separation or death, the child may experience problems associated with this absence. By understanding and preparing for these problems, fathers and other concerned friends and relatives can more effectively help the child cope with his mother’s absence.

4 mins read

How Does Nutrition Affect Learning?

If you’ve ever been stuck at work, stomach rumbling from hunger, you know how difficult it can be to concentrate on the task in front of you. You might feel tired, sluggish and even a little irritable. As a consequence, you’re probably not able to perform to the best of your ability. Now imagine you’re a child who had to go to school without breakfast because your parents didn’t have enough money to feed you. Unfortunately, this is a reality for many school-aged children, and the effects of poor nutrition on learning are a widespread problem.

2 mins read

Is Bleeding Normal During Pregnancy?

According to the American Pregnancy Association, some bleeding during the first trimester is normal and happens to nearly 30 percent of all pregnant women. This bleeding, usually referred to as “spotting,” is generally very light in flow and brown or pinkish in color. Pregnancy-related bleeding is often the result of implantation, irritation or infection, or the onset of labor. With the exception of full-term labor, bleeding during the second and third trimesters is not considered a normal event.