6 mins read

Afraid Your Man Will Stray? What To Do…

Every time a celebrity couple is touched by infidelity – Pink’s hubby tries a different shade, or Ryan Phillippe spoons someone other than Reese – it’s like the rumble of distant thunder over our own relationships. Everywhere you look, you see potential targets for your partner’s straying eyes, hands and, heaven forbid, other body parts. There’s that co-worker, and the ex, and the spinning instructor with to-die-for quads (and glutes). Of course, most of us start relationships with complete trust in our partners – pumped on endorphins and often believing they have about as much chance of straying as Rosie has of buying a condo in Trump Tower.

2 mins read

Children’s Birthday Party Game Ideas

No matter what the theme, games add extra zing to a birthday party. Children’s party games tend toward the silly or the creative, so have some fun and toss a few beach balls into a game of volleyball or use face paint for monster-theme makeovers. The best aspect of planning games for parties is that you can adapt them to your party theme, playing Pin the Star on the Wand or Musical Pirate Boats.

6 mins read

Five Ways to Keep Your Man From Straying

Every time a celebrity couple is touched by infidelity – Pink’s hubby tries a different shade, or Ryan Phillippe spoons someone other than Reese – it’s like the rumble of distant thunder over our own relationships. Everywhere you look, you see potential targets for your partner’s straying eyes, hands …