13 mins read

March Astrology

Dear everyone, here comes March and what do we have? The Sun, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Neptune, Chiron, all swimming in the emotional waterworld of the ocean god. This is just how last month ended, with Mercury and Saturn retrograde, causing us to look backwards and review and re-investigate various details and make some changes.

7 mins read

Save a Life – Learn How to Avoid and Escape a Rip Current

At the beach at Cape Canaveral, nineteen-year-old Josh Scurlock looks out at the water. The larger than normal waves look rough but not too rough so he and a friend go out in them to play. A strong swimmer Josh loves the ocean and his new Florida home just five blocks from the beach. Its Saturday and the sun is out and there is no school and nothing at all is wrong in the world. Josh Scurlock. Having recently moved to Florida from Indiana, he doesnt notice or even know how to notice the rip current that will sweep him out to sea and away from his friend. Once caught in its pull, his instincts are to head back in. The land is where safety is and something is pulling him away from it, so he fights. Swimming as hard as he can for as long as he can with his friend on the beach now yelling for help Josh Scurlock tires and drowns. And though a heroic surfer eventually makes it to him and brings him to shore he cannot be revived. Josh never sees twenty.

3 mins read

Television is Making Your Kids Have Sex. Seriously.

Did you watch Glee last night? I did, and was sadly not surprised at one of the main themes flowing through the entire episode: SEX. Last night’s whole show was a tribute to Madonna, and one of the key songs of the episode, a cover of “Like a Virgin”, was belted out during a montage featuring three people (two of them in the high school glee club) being “touched for the very first time”…if you know what I mean.