2 mins read

Vaginal Discharge in Early Pregnancy

Vaginal discharge can be a normal part of a woman’s reproductive cycle. However, unusual discharge can have various causes. During pregnancy, vaginal discharge can change due to normal pregnancy conditions or due to certain health problems. Tell your doctor about any unusual vaginal discharge, especially if you are an expectant mother.

5 mins read

What to Know When Planning to Get Pregnant

If you’re trying to get pregnant, you and your partner have probably passed Birds and Bees 101. However, before you start the countdown to your next ovulation date, you have more important things to consider than getting your timing right. The American Congress on Obstetricians and Gynecologists, or ACOG, stresses the necessity of scheduling a pre-conception visit with your doctor to make sure that you’re in optimal health before you get pregnant.

2 mins read

Discharge During Early Stages of Pregnancy

When you first discovered you were pregnant, you probably thought more about baby names and nursery dcor than you did about vaginal discharge. Unfortunately, vaginal discharge is one of those little secrets no one seems to talk about when they’re swapping stories about morning sickness and marathon labors. But for the newly pregnant woman, vaginal discharge is often a source of anxiety.

2 mins read

Side Effects of the Alli Plan

Weight loss is difficult and often frustrating, but there are products marketed to help out in the war against fat. One of these, Alli, is typically considered quite effective and is an over-the-counter (OTC) version of the prescription drug Xenical. Unfortunately, Alli does have a number of side effects. You should inform yourself and consider whether the side effects are worth the boost in weight loss.

2 mins read

Warning Signs During Late Pregnancy

As your body nears the end of your pregnancy, your mind will turn to the practical matters that need to be completed before your baby makes her arrival into your family. Preparing the nursery, the nesting instinct of cleaning your home and making lists of things to do and people to contact when your labor begins all help take your mind off the changes in your body and perhaps the discomfort that comes with carrying a near-term baby. While you make your necessary plans, it’s important to keep in mind a few warning signs that may occur during late pregnancy.