3 mins read

How to Get Rid of Back Fat for Women

Excessive back fat doesn’t look so pretty. You may have a “spare tire” around your chest and back when you put on a bra. Your back fat may prevent you from wearing that knock-out dress you bought or from even putting on a swimsuit in the summer. When you diet and exercise to lose back fat, you’ll notice that the fat all over your body, including on your stomach, decreases as well. Toning exercises will build the muscle on your back, further minimizing the appearance of fat.

5 mins read

Mommy, Does This Make Me Look Fat?

I have sons, which shields me from some of the oddities of the young female set. Not to say that boys dont have their own sets of peculiarities. But as the mother of boys, there are a few things I just dont have to deal with. I know, Im a girl, but there are some things Im glad I dont have to deal with. For instance, boys generally dont have to change into new outfits several times a day.

2 mins read

The Effects of Not Losing Baby Fat

While baby fat is an endearing term for the pudgy rolls on young children, failing to lose this weight can lead to health problems. While many babies lose weight when they become active toddlers, others tend to carry the extra weight for years, sometimes leading to obesity during later childhood and into adulthood.