4 mins read

Fun Christmas Party Games for Kids

Want to keep little ones entertained at your Christmas party this year? Make sure to plan ahead and put together some fun games and activities! The best bet is to choose games that both grown-up and kids can take part in, that way underageguests won’t have to spend the party off by themselves. And for an extra bit of holiday cheer, include a cookie swap or gift exchange so guests don’t go home empty-handed. It’s a great way to give them something to remember the party by!

2 mins read

Funny Games for 30th Birthday

A 30th birthday is not always the happiest day in a person’s life. Some sink happily into the next decade of their lives, while others go in fighting. Bring some laughter and lightness to the party of your soon-to-be 30-year-old loved one. Plan some games that will get everyone giggling and bring a certain levity to the whole affair.

3 mins read

Passover Games & Lessons for Kids

The Passover holiday, with its Seder celebration, is perhaps the most well-known of all the Jewish holidays. Passover commemorates the freedom of the Jews from 400 years of slavery in Egypt. You can read about this story in the Book of Exodus in the Bible. Passover refers to the angel of death passing over the homes of Jewish people and sparing their firstborn during the final of 10 plagues. Passover lasts for eight days, during which time the Jewish people observe certain rituals. Children learn lessons, often in the form of games, during this time.