6 mins read

The Moms Behind The Medals: Raising an Olympian

This is a sponsored post on behalf of P&GMoms inspire us, they support us, they stand behind us. They are our biggest fans and cheerleaders – and you better believe that the moms of the Olympic athletes are cheering their hearts out!As athletes prepare for the Sochi 2014 Olympic Winter Games, Procter & Gamble is proud to offer them a chance to show their gratitude to the women who have supported them on their …

6 mins read

A ‘Good Wife’ No Longer

She has finally had enough. The character modeled on the likes of the wife of the former New York governor, Silda Spitzer (who stuck by her husband after he resigned his office amid a call girl scandal) and other politicians wives whose husbands publically cheated on them and humiliated them, has been pushed too far.

7 mins read

Raw Milk for Real People

Remember back in the olden days when you would have the unfortunate experience of opening a sour gallon of milk and your nose would be hit with an intensely disgusting smell that nearly knocked you over and made your entire body shudder? Then the inevitable would come - having to pour the curdled stinky blobs down…