2 mins read

Tips on Exercising While Pregnant

Exercise is generally safe for pregnant women and might even make you feel better. Physical activity gives you more energy and might help relieve back pain and constipation that are common during pregnancy. Exercise during pregnancy should focus more on overall wellness than weight loss, which isn’t recommended while pregnant.

2 mins read

The Best Ways to Conserve Energy

Going green is not only the right thing to do for the environment, it’s good for your wallet. The U.S. Energy Information Administration reports that the average electric bill for Americans is more than $100 per month. Those costs can zoom in the warmer months when you turn on the air conditioning or in the cooler months if you use electric heat.

3 mins read

Ways to Save on Your Energy Bill

Utility bills add up to an average of $1,900 for most families in the U.S., according to the U.S. Department of Energy. Lowering your utility bills gives you more money in the budget for other expenses while benefiting the environment by conserving fossil fuels. Some energy-reducing strategies are simple to begin immediately, while others take some time and upfront investment.