3 mins read

Most Effective Way to Get Rid of Love Handles

While the term “love handle” may sound positive, many possessors of these physical features don’t find them so desirable. This extra bulk around the midsection can make a major physical difference, causing garments to fit less flatteringly and your silhouette to lack the sleek, smooth look you desire. Although these waistline additions are often challenging to get rid of, with dedication to the task, you can reduce the size, and maybe even ultimately get rid of, your undesirable extra bulk.

3 mins read

Most Effective Way to Potty Train a Toddler

Potty training is a rite of passage for toddlers. Between the ages of 2 to 3, most children are ready to begin potty training. With the right tools, tips and tricks, effective potty training can be accomplished in as few as three to five days. While there are many ways to potty train a toddler, the most effective way results in less frustration for both the parents and the child.

3 mins read

How Long After You Start Taking Birth Control Is It Effective ?

Birth control pills are a practical, effective and easy-to-use contraceptive choice. Used correctly, the pill is more than 99 percent effective; however, user error, including missed pills or starting a pill pack late, is responsible for most birth control failures. Know how to take your pills when you start oral contraceptives and when you can rely upon them as your primary form of birth control.