5 mins read

School Lunch: Brown Bag It!

We have been bombarded lately with media stories about food and nutrition and how the ‘Supersize Me’ generation has affected our kids’ health. Obesity has doubled in this country in the last 20 years, and type II diabetes is following in the same direction. As a result, one of the issues you may be concerned with is what your kids are being served in their school cafeterias. I watched an episode of Jamie Oliver’s “Food Revolution” and I was horrified at what some schools thought was food. I know some of you don’t feel like you have the time to pack a lunch, but truthfully, it can take 5 minutes. With the knowledge that your kids may be eating all refined and processed foods at school, you may want to consider “brown bagging” their lunches from now on. Here are some really great ideas that your kids will love — and you can have them help you make it!

3 mins read

Going Green With Renewable Energy

Renewable energy is sustainable. Unlike fossil fuels–which are dwindling resources that can’t be replaced–renewable energy comes from such infinite sources as the sun, earth and wind. Renewable energy is free from many of the negative environmental impacts caused by fossil fuels—namely, global warming and water pollution. Plus, renewable energy is the wave of the future. According to the US Department of Energy, the world’s available fossil fuels will be consumed in 104 years if there isn’t a global switch to renewable energy. This is a switch the world has to make. Many people are already going green with renewable energy in their homes and their lifestyles.