1 min read

Study: Music Can Reduce Child’s Stress and Pain During Doctor Visits

Any parent who has held their screaming child down to get a shot or during a check-up knows how nerve-wracking a visit to the doctor can be. It’s agonizing to watch your baby feel pain – even when it’s for their own good. But what if there was a simple way to ease that pain? Medical researchers at the University of Alberta have found that listening to music effectively reduces the amount of pain children perceive when they’re in the emergency room.

8 mins read

Bedtime Music: 10 Soothing Classical Pieces for Kids

The following is a guest post by Robert Greenberg, author of How to Listen to Great Music: A Guide to Its History, Culture, and Heart. Ah, bedtime. The kids’ teeth are brushed; their pj’s are on; the book has been read, and then read again. They have been kissed goodnight. At which point begins THE BIG STALL. “I’m hungry”; “I’m thirsty”; “I need to go to the bathroom”; “I need to call my broker”; etc.