3 mins read

Hair Products to Help Growth & Stop Breakage

There aren’t any shortcuts when it comes to growing out your hair. Whether you’re growing out a short haircut or hoping for long, flowing locks, hair growth takes time. Proper care and the right products can help keep your hair healthy, maximize growth and reduce breakage to keep your hair at its best and reduce your frustrations during this process.

3 mins read

Best Hair Removal Products

The best methods for hair removal aren’t necessarily achieved with soap and a razor or through expensive salon appointments, according to “Marie Claire” and “Women’s Health” magazines. Whether you hope to gently remove or lighten unwanted facial hair or go bare down there, chances are you can find a high-quality product so you can beautify the area in the privacy of your own home.

2 mins read

Best Products to Treat Male Hair Loss

Treating male hair loss isn’t quite the same as dealing with unexpected female pattern balding, according to the Mayo Clinic. If your partner or perhaps a close male relative is battling unwanted hair loss, he can’t necessarily use the same products that you might to try to squelch the same problem. Likewise, some hair loss treatments for men aren’t at all safe for women to use. Fortunately, several quality hair loss remedies that can help that special man in your life are readily available throughout North America; some products also don’t require a doctor’s prescription.