4 mins read

The ABC’s of Bras: How to Choose the Right Support

Are you wearing a bra? Guess what – it probably doesn’t fit! For years, industry experts have claimed that somewhere around 85% of women are either not getting enough support from their undergarments as a result of wearing bras several sizes to big or hurting their breasts by smushing them into containers that are too small. Although we weren’t able to find any hard research to back up this stat, it’s a pretty widely held perception that women are commonly mistaken about their bra size.

6 mins read

Killing Off Supermom

I’ll be honest with you. In my house, the beds are rarely made unless someone is coming to visit. Sometimes I yell. My closet is a disaster and I feel guilty that I work too much. My kids watch more TV than they should. And I simply cannot afford to go all organic right now. There is a sticky shelf in my refrigerator that I keep hoping will evaporate on its own, and this morning I had to send my son off to camp with a PB&J made with frozen waffles because I forgot to buy bread. I’m not perfect. There, I said it. Bye Bye Supermom