7 mins read

How to Prevent the “Terrible Twos”

Temper Tantrums. Moodiness. Nagging. An affinity for the word no. Welcome to toddler-hood. In fact, the behavior often associated with this stage makes this period even harder than puberty for some! But dont worry; its not an impossible situation. In fact, if you know whats happening inside your toddlers brain, you can turn this into a terrific time for you and your baby.

5 mins read

Guilt… Guilty, Guilty, Guilty!

So, our brains constantly torture us to the tune of ; I should be spending more time with my kids, cooking healthier meals, calling friends more regularly, returning emails, working harder, going to the gym more often, being nicer to people, coming home earlier from the office, baking more, eating better Oh the Guilt! Oh the Guilt!