2 mins read

How to Make Hand-Dipped Chocolate Strawberries

Hand-dipped chocolate-covered strawberries make an excellent Valentine’s Day gift, anniversary present or simply a delicious afternoon snack. Making chocolate-covered strawberries is also a fun afternoon project to do with your children, particularly at the beginning of summer, when strawberries tend to be in season. You can dress up the berries with a drizzle of white or dark chocolate or by marbling different kinds of chocolate together. Ingredients

8 mins read

The Worst Mother in the World

Allow me to introduce myself: I’m The Worst Mother in the World. Now, before you start arguing that I am certainly not the worst mother in the world, that surely, other women with uncontrollable tempers and penchants for certain class A narcotics are much more likely to hold that title than I, let me explain that I am not really talking about the World, as in, the seven seas and seven continents, but that I am talking about my world, as in, of the four people living in my house, I am the mother, and therefore the only one capable of being the worst at it.

7 mins read

Our First School District Fight

What do you do if you disagree with your child’s school district? Here’s what we did when we found ourselves in our first school district disagreement. When our child turned four, he finished up the year in his inclusion class at the school district pre-school. The class had a mixture of four-year-olds and three-year-olds.Around his birthday, we had our second IEP meeting and for the most part nothing was going to change with his services. He would continue to receive speech, OT, and remain in an inclusion class.