2 mins read

Breast Tenderness When Weaning

Weaning has an undeniable emotional impact on many mothers, as they struggle to let go of the physical connection they once shared with their nursing tot. Along with this emotional challenge often also comes slight physical pain in the form of breast tenderness. As your body adjusts to your lack of nursing, you will likely experience some minor discomfort. This tenderness is perfectly normal and, in most cases, quite mild.

3 mins read

Digestive Problems with Pregnancy

While a mom-to-be is happy about the new bundle of joy growing in her belly, she might not so thrilled by the tummy troubles that commonly accompany pregnancy. Digestive problems plague many women as they progress through their term. Hormones combined with rapid body changes often fuel these troubles. Although many of these digestive disasters cannot be completely averted, simple dietary modifications can help a woman reduce her symptoms.

3 mins read

Miscarriage at 12 Weeks Into Pregnancy

A spontaneous abortion, more commonly referred to as a miscarriage, is the loss of a pregnancy before 20 weeks’ gestation. About 12 percent of pregnancies end in miscarriage before the end of the first trimester, or the 12th week, Dr. Marjorie Greenfield writes on the Dr. Spock website. After that, the statistic drops dramatically to about 1 percent.