3 mins read

Pregnancy & Tooth Pain

Gum and tooth pain during pregnancy is not uncommon, but discomfort is usually a symptom of a more serious underlying dental condition. According to the American Academy of Periodontology, roughly 50 percent of all pregnant women develop gingivitis, or an inflammation of the gums. Left untreated, gingivitis can lead to more severe periodontal disease, causing uncomfortable tooth pain and possible tooth loss.

3 mins read

Get Healthy! Inside and Out

Like everyone, I love a good tan, but I am also very aware of and concerned about risks like sun damage. Thank goodness, there are so many great self- tanners on the market that you really do not have to spend time in the sun to get great color. When looking for a self-tanner, my advice is to purchase a product that goes on with color, so you can see if you have missed any spots.

2 mins read

Reasons for Bad Breath in Kids

If you’ve ever leaned in to give your child a hug or kiss after dinner and smelled an unpleasant scent, you know that children can get bad breath just as adults can. While most cases of bad breath in children result from improper oral hygiene, chronic conditions or illness can also cause halitosis.

9 mins read

Easy Steps to Fighting the Aging Process

You may recall I wrote a post on aging gracefully. I pointed out the simple fact, that no matter how rich, how poor, how thin, how happy, how unhappy you are, there is one thing in this world you cannot fight, and just happen to be battling at the EXACT same rate as the next person AGING. Madonna is over 50. Yes, Even Madonna turned 50! Enough said. But in that Blog post, I talked about my desire to age without any help from Dr. 90210. I wrote about how to age gracefully. But, today, were taking it one step further. Today, were talking how to put that aging process on slow-mo. And Im not on the fence here. I just turned 35 and because I dont intend on going the plastic route, Im gonna fight the crap out of this aging process.