6 mins read

The Rift Between Parents and Childfree Adults

Not too long ago a client picked up a copy of my book, Complete Without Kids: An Insiders Guide to Childfree Living by Choice or by Chance, at the local bookstore. I saw her a couple of weeks later, and she shared with dismay that her teenage son had confiscated the book and was enjoying reading it. She added that she hoped he wouldnt get any ideas from the book, because she is so much looking forward to being a grandmother. I didnt really know how to respond to her comments.

1 min read

Free Birds

Ever wondered what November must be like for turkeys? Not all apple cider and pumpkin pie, that’s for sure! In the new adorable animated film Free Birds, two turkeys travel back in time in an effort to revise the menu at the first Thanksgiving – forever altering their tradition as the main course.