5 mins read

More About OT

In my first blog about OT, I focused mainly on oral issues, specifically teeth grinding. OT issues, however, involve the entire body. Remember, one part of the “OT experience” is trying to teach a child self-help skills. These are life-long skills such as potty training and being able to put on your own clothes. Other issues include brushing your teeth, combing your hair, feeding yourself, bathing your body, drying off your own body, and many more.

4 mins read

To Ink or Not To Ink

We all know about the male, mid-life clichs. A guy hits forty, or fifty, and suddenly, he needs to prove to the world that hes still young. So he runs out and buys a sports car, or a motorcycle; he grows a ponytail; he finds himself a hot, young wife. But interestingly, women dont seem to have their own mid-life clich counterparts.