3 mins read

How Does Cigarette Smoke Affect Growth?

Smoking will stunt your growth. It’s a warning that has passed from generations of parents to children. But does science support the claim? In fact, researchers have found that smoking can affect growth throughout a person’s life, sometimes in ways that may surprise you. But it should be no surprise that smoking poses the greatest threat to the development of children and unborn babies.

2 mins read

Excessive Hair Growth for Women

While many women wish for thick hair on their head, few appreciate excessive body or facial hair. Normal hair growth for women varies, depending on cultural factors and race. Hirsutism is the term that refers to excessive hair growth in women. Although a common condition, hirsutism may signal an underlying disorder that requires medical attention.

2 mins read

Week-by-Week Baby Growth

Your newborn baby seems to be growing so quickly. One day, he was as skinny as a string bean, now he’s a plump and round as a ball. He’s also developing new skills, including the ability to recognize your voice and face. Keep an eye on your baby as he grows. If he stops growing, that could be sign he’s having trouble absorbing nutrients or isn’t getting enough to eat.

3 mins read

How to Increase Breast Tissue Growth

Many women are unhappy with the size of their breasts. Since breasts have become a symbol of a woman’s femininity, having breasts that are smaller than the norm can make a woman feel self-conscious. Below, you’ll get step-by-step instructions for how to increase breast tissue growth.