4 mins read

No More Math Panic Attacks! 4 Steps To Easing Math Anxiety

While the thought of a big math test can make even the most confident student stressed out, for some kids, the feelings associated with math go far beyond garden-variety stress. For these students, a feeling of intense anxiety develops – to the point that they are no longer able to think clearly. But how can parents tell whether their child’semotions are a real problem or just an excuse to avoid an uncomfortable academic subject?

4 mins read

The Horrifying Truth About Domestic Violence

Relationship violence is certainly not a fun or comfortable topic to discuss, but it’s increasingly a subject of immense importance. A recent Glamour magazine survey revealed that 29 percent of respondents reported having been in an abusive relationship, and an additional 30 percent admitted they had not been in an abusive relationship, but had been degraded, threatened with a gun or knife, or harmed by their partner at some point.

2 mins read

Can Certain Hair Products Cause Hair Loss in Men?

Many men notice a decrease in scalp hair as they age. Thinning hair and baldness have a variety of causes, ranging from heredity to the use of certain products. Determining what is causing your hair loss is the first step in identifying and treating this condition. In some instances, changing your styling techniques and switching your hair care products may help solve your problem.

4 mins read

Everything You Need to Know About Allergies

I love spring. Most of the country is finishing their wet winter and the sun is starting to shine.We can look forward to grasses, trees, and flowers blooming. This is beautiful to look at, but for many children it is a sneezy, itchy, watery-eyed nightmare. Our expert Dr.Mike tells us everything we need to know about allergies and how to handle them.

3 mins read

Gesundheit – It is Allergy Season

I love spring. Most of the country is finishing their wet winter and the sun is starting to shine.We can look forward to grasses, trees, and flowers blooming. This is beautiful to look at, but for many children it is a sneezy, itchy, watery-eyed nightmare.Approximately fifty million Americans, or about 1 in 5, have allergies. The majority of these people have pollen allergies and thus suffer more during spring and summer.