1 min read

Brooke Burke: Happy New Year!

Christmas came and went, not soon enough if Im speaking the truth. I hate the over-indulgence of the holiday – too many presents, too much food and waaaaay too much to do. Days spent wrapping gifts that quickly become room clutter for the kids, only too soon to become the toy thats at the bottom of the pile.Next year, Im starting a homemade gift giving tradition so everyone in my family, including …

5 mins read

Brooke Burke: Burke Family Traditions

Having just returned from New England with my family, I have a new-found love for frosty weather, bare trees and chaos.It was a meaningful week watching my children and my little brother navigate the loving traditions of my Burke roots. Getting the seven of us to the east coast on a red eye flight was ambitious, especially at this time of year, but oh-so-worth it.Props to me, if I do say so myself …