2 mins read

Natural Remedies to Increase Sex Drive

Sometimes, romance takes a back seat to everything else. Sexual interest, also known as libido, tends to wax and wane throughout life. Certain situations and conditions, including relationship issues, fatigue, medications and medical diseases, can contribute to fluctuating sex drives in both men and women. Hormonal changes brought on by pregnancy or menopause may also alter your sexual appetite. If low libido causes distress for you or your romantic partner, natural remedies may increase your sexual interest and help put you back in the mood for sex.

2 mins read

Home Remedies for Lack of Sex Drive

Many things can affect your sense of well-being and your relationship with your significant other. A low sex drive, also known as low libido, may cause concern, especially if you normally look forward to sexual activities. However, many men and women experience regular fluctuations in their sex drives. Illnesses, medications, hormonal changes and fatigue can all cause a decrease in your desire for sex. Although some cases of reduced libido require professional help, many situations respond well to home remedies.

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How to Get Rid of Abdominal Fat

As summer rolls around and bikini season approaches, the war on belly fat begins. According to Dr. Michael Jensen, an endocrinology specialist with the WebMD website, most people lose proportionally more fat around the abdominal region than other parts of the body during weight loss. While you can’t choose where on your body to focus fat loss, you can take steps to lose weight all over your body, abs included, while strengthening your abdominal muscles and eating foods to help eliminate excess fat storage. With ab exercises and a healthy diet, you’ll slim down, build up six-pack abs and develop habits for long-term health.

2 mins read

Benefits of Pilates During Pregnancy

Staying physically fit during pregnancy can be difficult, especially if you’re not in shape to begin with. You’re generally more tired, sometimes uncomfortable and possibly concerned about the effect of exercise on your developing baby. Between the extremes of doing nothing and going all out, there’s a highly regarded alternative: Pilates. Conceived by Joseph Pilates in the early 20th century, the original use was as rehabilitation after injury. Which is why it makes sense for pregnancy—it’s low-impact with high-impact results.