3 mins read

Organ Development During Pregnancy

The development of a baby in utero is truly remarkable. Only a few weeks pass between the time an egg is fertilized and the heart begins to beat. While the organs may grow rapidly, some are not fully functional until the baby is full-term and ready to be born. Others, such as the heart, are functional before the end of the first trimester of pregnancy.

3 mins read

How the Environment is Affecting Your Reproductive Health

It’s no secret that reproductive health is sensitive to the characteristics of an individual’s environment and that these effects vary in different parts of the world. For instance, in populations with high rates of STDs or poor healthcare services, women’s risk of experiencing premature delivery, fetal loss or prenatal mortality are higher than normal as infections routinely go untreated.

3 mins read

Natural and Organic Health and Beauty Tips

Whether out of concern for the environment or out of concern for your health, you may be considering switching your regular cosmetics and health products to organic and natural ones. You have to be careful because some products may seem natural or organic, but, in fact, contain preservatives and other chemicals you may want to avoid. When shopping for beauty products, always read the labels carefully. You can also make some products at home or make other adjustments to your lifestyle to look your best naturally.

1 min read

Hysterectomy Often Performed Unnecessarily, According to Study

Blue Cross Blue Shield has begun a campaign to reduce hysterectomy rates, after their study determined that as many as 2 out of 3 hysterectomies performed could have been avoided. Those are pretty shocking stats! A hysterectomy is a serious procedure that removes a woman’s reproductive organs. It leaves a woman unable to carry children, has lasting hormonal side effects, increases the chance of heart disease, and carries surigical risks as well.