8 mins read

Cue Sticks: Getting Started in Your Own Business

Some people know what their calling is at a very young age and that passion just sticks with them for life. Nancy Shapiro was born to teach. Now, she’s turned that gift of helping others into a business calledCue Sticks.Through Cue Sticks, Nancy teaches the power of positive thinking. Cue Sticks are daily reminders that come in the form of either a temporary tattoo or a sticker.

3 mins read

How to Feel Happier Starting Today

When is the last time you took inventory of your happiness? I mean really looked at your life as a whole and admitted how happy or unhappy you were? Life experiences and our environments constantly force us to re-examine how happy and fulfilled we are feeling in the moment. Do you feel like your happiness is something you constantly have to strive for? Do you feel like it is out of your reach? Or do you believe that it is your birthright – something we all deserve?

3 mins read

Stop Settling and Start Living!

You have a secure job, a comfortable relationship, nice friends, a warm home, yet you are unhappy. So many of us stay where we are in life due to comfort and security. You assume you can’t do better so why try. You figure you shouldn’t be too picky in love, and that you are only getting older. Why do people settle for less than they deserve?