1 min read

15 Photos Of Pets We Love Too Much

Today is National Love Your Pet Day and here at ModernMom, we’re like “Psssh, b*tch please,” because we already love our pets so impossibly much it almost seems silly to hold a one day celebration. It’s like having a National We Love Oxygen Day… duh.But who are we to dictate holiday law? And of course, any excuse to look at pictures of adorable puppies (and kittens and hedgehogs and bunnies and …

11 mins read

Martin Luther King: “I Have a Dream”

Happy Martin Luther King Jr. Day! Today is the 25th anniversary of our nation’s commemoration of Rev. Martin Luther King’s birthday. To celebrate, here is the text of Rev. King’s infamous, “I Have a Dream” speech, delivered from the Lincoln Memorial in Washington D.C. on August 28th, 1963. I am happy to join with you today in what will go down in history as the greatest demonstration for freedom in the history of our nation.

4 mins read

Truth About Acai Diet Pills

Once upon a time, in the deep, remote areas of the Brazilian rain forest, grew a tree called the acai that caused fat to literally melt away in those who ate from its fruits. If this sounds like the beginning of a fairy tale for adults struggling with weight loss, that’s because it is. The truth about acai diet pills isn’t too pretty–nor is it likely to be encouraging to consumers who put their belief in this tiny purple berry that came to us from afar.