The Best Workouts to Get Rid of Belly Fat
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The Best Workouts to Get Rid of Belly Fat

It may seem overwhelming, but you have to get a handle on those love handles while you get a chance. No matter how much fat has collected around your mid-line, the sooner you get it taken care of, the more you can tackle. The longer you take, the more fat will accumulate, making the job harder and harder. Burn it now; it’s worth it.

It may seem overwhelming, but you have to get a handle on those love handles while you get a chance. No matter how much fat has collected around your mid-line, the sooner you get it taken care of, the more you can tackle. The longer you take, the more fat will accumulate, making the job harder and harder. Burn it now; it’s worth it.

Where’s the Fat?

The fat around your waist is located in two main places: above the muscle and below the muscle. The fat above the muscle is the fat you can grab when you squeeze your sides. These are truly the handles in your love handles. The fat below your muscles is a little harder to notice, but it’s quite dangerous. The fat under your muscle has access to your organs. This fat can make your organs fatty and unable to work their best.

Burn the Fat

You have to get at the fat, on both sides of the muscle, to start trimming your stomach. The only way to burn fat is to lower your caloric intake and increase your caloric output. It’s time to get on the treadmill, jump in the pool or hop on your bike. Burning calories from intense cardiovascular workouts will target the fat all around your body, including your stomach.

Tone the Muscle

To really jump-start your fat burning, give yourself a tough, intense workout one day, then a slower, lighter workout the next day. The slower workout should focus on toning the muscles in your stomach. Join a yoga class, or do some pilates at home. This will increase the muscle mass in your stomach and tone your abs.

Stretch the Muscles

While you are working your abdominal muscles, they will get tight and strong. This will strengthen your core and help you stand up straighter and thinner. After your cardio and strength-training workouts, you need to stretch those muscles so they don’t get bulky. Doing yoga stretches and leaning back over an exercise ball will help you elongate those tight muscles.

All the Way Around

Don’t forget your side muscles and your back. These work together with your abdominal muscles to create a strong core. When you are doing yoga or pilates, incorporate side and back exercises as well to keep your entire midsection strong.

Eight-minute ab workout with Brooke Burke and professional fitness trainer Autumn Calabrese

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