Trying to Get Pregnant After a Miscarriage
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Trying to Get Pregnant After a Miscarriage

Having a miscarriage is a devastating experience. The decision on whether to try again or when to try again is a difficult one. You need to be emotionally ready to try to conceive again, recommends the American Pregnancy Association. As to when you should try, new information contradicts older schools of thought.

Maybe No Wait

Dr. Sohinee Bhattacharya of the University of Aberdeen said that new data shows no justification in delaying pregnancy following an uncomplicated miscarriage, one without excessive bleeding or infection. The research Bhattacharya is referring to is in the August 2010 edition of the “British Medical Journal.” The findings show that women who get pregnant within six months after miscarrying have the best chance of having a successful delivery.

Risks of Waiting

Risks for waiting longer than six months to get pregnant after a miscarriage partly stem from your age, according to the National Women’s Health Information Center. If you are over 35, the longer you wait to conceive, the more difficult it gets. In addition, women who are 40 and older have a 30 percent chance of miscarriage. Delaying conception can increase the chances for a miscarriage.

Wait a Short Time

Dr. George Attia, obstetrics and gynecology professor at the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine, says he believes women should wait two months after a miscarriage before trying again, on the Women’s Heath website. But, he admits there is no hard evidence as to why.

Reasons to Wait

The American Pregnancy Association says that many doctors encourage you to wait a few months to strengthen your chances of delivering a healthy baby. Your body may not be ready to hold a pregnancy right away. Your uterus may not have healed, and you may experience another miscarriage. Waiting for two or three normal menstrual cycles is another school of thought as to when it is safe to conceive.

Good News

The good news is that 85 percent of women who miscarry once will have a successful pregnancy the next time around. Women with two or three past miscarriages have a 75 percent chance of delivering a baby.

Seeing a Specialist

You might want to see a specialist to help increase your chances of a healthy pregnancy. The American Pregnancy Association says that if you have had two or more miscarriages, are older than 35, have an illness, such as diabetes, that can affect your pregnancy or if you have fertility problems, you are a good candidate for special health care.

Tips for Next Time

When you get pregnant again after your miscarriage, have your doctor carefully monitor you. For emotional reasons, put off early baby preparations and baby showers, recommends the American Pregnancy Association. It’s normal to grieve, even after your successful delivery.

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