Easy Halloween Costumes for Kids
3 mins read

Easy Halloween Costumes for Kids

Do you get stressed out every October, trying to come up with the perfect Halloween costume for your little darling?

Fear not! It doesn’t have to be a daunting task. In fact there are tons of creative costumes that can be created in minutes using things you might already have laying around the house. So if you’re a busy mom on a budget, here are four quick and easy Halloween costume ideas:

Construction Worker

Pull out your child’s plastic hard hat, play tools and toy phone or walkie-talkie and turn your child into a construction worker. This costume is so simple that it’s made countless lists of easy, last-minute costume ideas. Want accessorize? Have your child wear an old T-shirt, throw on Dad’s tool belt and put on his construction boots. Give him a tape measure and flashlight to complete the look.

Mad Scientist

Using one of dad’s old, white button-down shirts or your child’s play doctor’s coat, you can create a mad scientist costume for your child. Plastic spiders, worms and small stuffed animals can be glued or pinned to the costume so they look like they are crawling around on the shirt or coat. If your child has a doctor’s kit, he can use the stethoscope for a costume accessory. Give him a plastic measuring cup and put a brightly colored wig on him to finish off the costume.

Raining Cats and Dog Costume

If your child has her own umbrella and raincoat, you can whip up the raining cats and dogs costume, number nine on Parenting.com’s” 35+ Easy Homemade Halloween Costumes for Kids” list. To create the costume, you’ll need to make 16 dog and 16 cat silhouettes from black felt backed with black poster board. The animals are then affixed onto the umbrella and hung from the umbrella spokes to achieve the desired look. Dress your child up in her rain gear and she’ll be ready for some Halloween fun.

Dirty Laundry Costume

If you are looking for a no-sew, easy costume, FamilyEducation.com recommends the dirty laundry bag costume. With two bags and some dirty laundry, your child can be transformed into a dirty laundry bag for Halloween. Using clothes pins or safety pins, simply attach a few pieces of lightweight clothing to the bags. Trash bags or laundry bags will work well. Using safety pins, the bags can then be affixed to your child’s clothing, one in the front and one in the back. Laundry accessories like an empty detergent box and “dirty laundry” sign can also be pinned to the bags she’s wearing. To complete the dirty laundry look, use a lightweight hamper as a hat. A scarf can be used to tie it to your child’s head. As an alternative, provide her with a baseball cap that has socks or other items of clothing pinned to the brim and around the bottom. Additional clothing, like socks and underwear, can be tucked into the neck and cuff of her clothing so that it looks like it’s falling out of the bag.


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