Why Go Green?
2 mins read

Why Go Green?

Organic food and hybrid vehicles are just two examples of products that are part of the green movement. Other methods of going green, such as conserving energy or shortening the length of your showers, are less costly ways to become more eco-friendly. All of the hype leaves some people wondering why they should join the green movement. The benefits of going green extend beyond simply helping the environment.

Resource Conservation

A green lifestyle incorporates conservation efforts, particularly for water and nonrenewable energy sources. According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, less than 1 percent of the Earth’s water can be used for human consumption. Without conservation efforts, water shortages are a potential threat, especially with increased human population. Fossil fuels are available in limited quantities. Reducing reliance on these energy sources helps protect the supply.

Less Pollution

Not only does energy consumption use nonrenewable resources, it also produces pollution in the form of emissions during the production phase. Driving motor vehicles also contributes to emissions that are harmful to the environment. Pollution also takes the form of trash-filled landfills. Recycling keeps unnecessary materials out of the landfills, preserving space and reducing contamination of the soil. The process also reduces the amount of trash that ends up in the environment, damaging plant life and harming animals.

Improved Health

On a more personal level, practicing green habits around the home might help improve the health of your family. Homemade cleaners reduce exposure to toxic chemicals, both in the air and on the skin. Overall reduced air pollution would improve the air quality of the air you breathe every day. Walking or biking, instead of driving everywhere, also offers health benefits in the form of increased physical activity.

Financial Incentives

Many green lifestyle changes leave you with more green in your wallet. Conserving energy and water means your utility bills are lower. A shift to walking or biking to run errands reduces the amount you spend on gas for your vehicle. Depending on your particular situation, selling a vehicle to become a one-car family could save you a car payment, insurance and gas. Homemade cleaners are also typically cheaper than a bottle of cleaner at the store. While many green changes cost a great deal of money, there are many ways to make a big difference without spending money. If you do choose to invest in more expensive green changes, such as increasing the energy efficiency of your home, you might qualify for tax breaks or rebates from your utility company.

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