Turning 40
1 min read

Turning 40

I celebrated my birthday on the beach in southern California with family and a few friends. I took the whole week off and it was fantastic. Given that the big 4-OH is a milestone, I thought I would make a list of the top five things I have learned in my life to this point and top five things I want to do better over the next forty years. Would love to hear lists from all of you in the comments below because I think there is a lot of knowledge that Modern Moms can share with me and with others.

What I’ve Learned:

1) If I smile, I will feel better

2) If I am honest and direct, there are less feelings hurt in the long run

3) I need to have a friend in my life that will love me no matter how I show up

4) Choosing my life partner was the single most important thing I have ever done

5) I will never taste anything better than my mom’s fried chicken

What I Can Do Better:

1) Give myself more time alone, ideally running

2) Tell my mom how much I appreciate her sense of humor

3) Spend time with my kids with no interruptions

4) Remind my partner that he is my favorite thing in the whole world

5) Eat more fried chicken 

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