6 mins read

Making Holidays Easier for Caregivers of Aging Adults

When you think of the holidays, what comes to mind? If youre anything like me, images of happy families dining, laughing and giving gifts immediately flood your brain and give you that warm and fuzzy feeling all over. In the midst of coordinating travel plans, cooking and decorating, however, it can be difficult to find the right balance between seasonal work and play especially if you find yourself in the role of the family caregiver.

7 mins read

Freezing My Eggs: The Good, The Sad, My Story…

This morning, a FedEx box arrived containing $3,300 worth of medications. And so begins the process of freezing (hopefully without scrambling) my eggs. Its a miracle! says my best friend Jen, the mother of two. Youre so lucky that you have the choice to extend your fertility, remarks a 44 year-old woman who tried IVF the past several years but failed, and is now using an egg donor and surrogate to have a child. OMG, do it! texts a man my age whose 42 year-old fiance has had two miscarriages over the past two years.

5 mins read

5 Ways to Organize a Neighborhood Party

A neighborhood party is a great way to get to know the people who live around you. There are countless ways to bring people together, including the five discussed here. As with any party, be sure to send out invitations more than 3 weeks in advance. Requesting an RVSP from guests is essential so you can know how much food to prepare. And even if you know your neighbors well, it does not hurt to plan some ice-breaking activities. Let’s party!