3 mins read

Organization Tips for a Child’s Bedroom

A child’s bedroom is a place to slumber, to play, to create and to enjoy quiet time. Organize a child’s bedroom based on the child’s current needs and interests. Organizational furniture and storage units should not be selected based on functionality. Before organizing the child’s bedroom, remove all items. Clean windows and wash curtains. Repaint the walls to give the room a fresh start. Donate or give away any old items which the child no longer needs or uses.

3 mins read

Garage Organization Tips

The garage often becomes a dumping ground for an assortment of items. The growing pile can be intimidating, but an organizational system in the garage can get the mess under control. Sorting and organizing the items in the garage makes them easy to locate when they are needed. The initial organization process may take a few days, but the end result will be an efficient garage with easy access to all of the stored items.

3 mins read

Ideas to Decorate a Cubicle

If you are among millions of people who call a cubicle a workplace, consider yourself lucky. Although, you may see it only as a table with three low walls, a cubicle is your sanctuary and an extension of your home. A cubicle, which usually comes in a bland color of office gray, is a blank canvas, where you can creatively decorate using ideas that will suit your personality and style.